Morning starts with the hustle and bustle of children being dropped off. Breakfast is served from 8.00am – to 8.30am. The team is very experienced in settling the children into the nursery so please use this time to provide a update on how your child has been at home, how they have slept and any other information that you feel is important or may impact their day with us.
Your child’s Key Person will plan activities which your child particularly enjoys and will encourage them to join in or select an alternative activity which is both stimulating and supports the development of your child. All children will access the outdoor space.
Lunch time is usually around 11.00am but this can vary depending on the children’s activity for that day. The emphasis is very much in eating in groups, talking about the meal and making it a very social time for all children.
Throughout the afternoon children will participate in a range of planned and child led activities designed to enable them to play and explore, discover and grow, learn and understand.
Around 3.00pm is snack time and the children will be encouraged to sit down with their friends. For those under 1 will serve hot light dinner consisting of a main meal and desert at 5pm.
Children who require a nap will have the opportunity to sleep after lunch in quiet cosy spaces within the nursery. Younger babies may need a number of sleeps throughout the day and as get they get older this is likely to reduce, We will always work with parents and carers to establish a routine that suits the individual’s child needs.